
"Momentai! I'm so up for this, my ears are popping." - Terriermon, Digimon Tamers

Welcome to this page? This page is basically a personal gift from me (?)
Well never mind let's get down to business.
In this page I will talk about good strategies in SS which is limited to a line strategy based on my personal experience. (Since a formation is just impossible because the cards required didn't reach 11 to make the team combo)
This page is good for collectors/rainbow team users, although some dual element team may as well can run this strategy too.

[PvP/PvE]: This thing will determine if the strategy only can be used in PvE or both in PvE and PvP.
[Manual/Auto]: This thing will determine if the strategy only can be used in Manual Mode or in both Manual and Auto.

1. Back Line

Back Line is your Final Resort Line, the line of which you must desperately protect your Goal Keeper so that your journey doesn't end here and you still have some chance to survive if you manage to get out of the line. So these are some awesome strategies I found:

  • Infinite Health GK [PvE] [Auto]
    • Key Players: Sammy, Shu/Virgil
    • Key Skills: Coexistence
    • Description: Pretty well said in the title. With Sammy and Shu on the back, your GK can heal after being shot by opp (Especially in colo who lacks attack but is very durable). Rules are simple, both Sammy and someone with Coexistence pass (Linmay recommended), Shu penetrates. Do not fear of getting recoiled because if run well, 1 loop can make about 35% HP heal. For better things add Lucian as GK so that your team back line is having a good time, especially on high level colos.
  • Attribute Shield [PvP] [Auto]
    • Key Players: Magnus, Nerua
    • Key Skills: -
    • Description: Well it is the most common defense on the line. With Nerua and Magnus you can get some damage reduction from the GK. Might as well add a great double role Attacker/Defender (Tyler and Bell for example) to topple them off so you can really shield things.
  • Reflex Bomb [PvP] [Auto]
    • Key Players: Tyler, Victoria
    • Key Skills: Any skill that give reflex and speed buff in a line.
    • Description: Do you know that Tyler is God of Counterattack? Good. Now try to boost his counterattack chance with Victoria. For the other things you may need some speed buff to make your Tyler steal from anyone before they have a chance to shoot. And don't worry, Tyler and Victoria combo themselves will make Tyler's reflex 1500+ at minimum and 3000+ at maximum so he can still steal from Milky Way. Oh and Tyler will make it to the front after he steals, his 3rd skill does it. :3
  • Don't U Dare To Find My Weak Point!!! [PvP] [Auto]
    • Key Players: Nerua, Silk
    • Key Skills: Overwhelming I/II
    • Description: This line is for countering people who rely on their critical to OHKO your GK. (Blade, William, Vitos etc.) With Silk's max active and max her 2nd skill plus Nerua's 3rd skill they will give you 145% critical resist.. With Jin/Lucian, you can expect that this line will not get any critical from opponent's striker. (Unless they got over 200% critical rate/ they can crit with 1% crit rate then just throw away your phone lol jk XD)
2. Mid Line

Mid Line is where the Game starts. It is also the Line that will involved in battles and decide whether you will be the first attacking or defending. This is also one crucial line that you will need to balance between offensive and defensive powers so you can be the first attacking either when the coin is blue or red.
  • Counter-attack Wall [PvP] [Auto]
    • Key Players: Victoria, Mikael
    • Key Skills: Inspiring
    • Description: Well it is obvious, you make this line to counter your enemy by walling them. Mikael can act as a totem and penetrator at the same time. That way, there is very few chance of your enemy succesfully pass through your mid (Unless they steal from you or forward pass)
  • Fully Armed! [PvP] [Manual]
    • Key Players: Metatron, Valkrja Beth
    • Key Skills: -
    • Description: 2 Legends Unite makes chaos on opponents team pretty much. Metatron will act as a ball holder making her last skill proc, while Beth penetrators causing her 3rd skill to proc. Either you are going to be the offensive or the defensive side, by the time the ball arrives, your team will have 100% action bar most of the time.

3. Front Line

Front Line is the Line where you attempt to deplete the GK and win the match. In this line you will shoot the GK so to deplete his/her HP become 0 and pass through the goal. So basically in this line what do you expect is to either deal as many damage as possible (OHKO strategies) or shoot as many balls as possible (Utility strategies).
  • Critical Line [PvP] [Auto]
    • Key Players: Nari/Baltheon
    • Key Skills: Extreme I/II
    • Description: This line is effective for people who rely on critical to deal damage (such as Blade, Vitos, William, etc.) You will need some critical rate booster to do that beside Nari and Extreme skill. You will wanna get some 200% critical rate or even 300% if possible to make sure you get the critical.
  • Penetration Line [PvP] [Auto]
    • Key Players: Silla/Luka
    • Key Skills: -
    • Description: This line is effective to deal against a backline that has high decrease damage but low critical resistance (for example Kei). With some decent critical rate stones, you can guarantee a critical. However, more power and penetration is important on this line so that you can charge through GK even when he use active block.
  • Hit and Run Tactic [PvP] [Auto]
    • Key Players: Alkyde/Silla, any utility striker (Bora, Uriel, etc.)
    • Key Skills: Any skill that increase reflex and (optional) speed
    • Description: Best tactic used in PvE since the enemy has brutal HP but weak attack. The main point is to make your front line take the ball from their back line after you shoot so you can shoot continuously and keep the ball in the front line. Alkyde has reflex deduction buff, and Silla has action bar heal. It's all depend on preference.
  • Cheese Time! [PvP] [Manual]
    • Key Players: Jeunese, Ravian/Mariel, Jury
    • Key Skills: Any reflex debuff
    • Description: This tactic works everywhere and depend on your preference. The most famous one is Jeunese/Ravian. The active from Jeunese and the last skill of Ravian cut's GK's HP pretty much (45%) and with other players that cuts HP too the GK can b wear down easily. (WARNING: THIS SET CAN WEAR DOWN YOUR FRIENDSHIP AS QUICK AS +4 CARD IN UNO CARD GAME!!! THAT'S WHY ONLY DO THIS AS LAST RESORT!!!)

Well that's all on this page! If you have more to say about any great team line you ever met feel free to contact me and I'll consider adding it to this page!

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